Saturday 5 March 2016

bread bhatura recipe, how to make quick bhatura with bread

bread bhatura recipe, how to make quick bhatura with bread

bread bhatura recipe with step by step photos – quick recipe of bhatura made with bread slices.

bhatura are leavened fried breads that are usually served with spicy chickpea curry, which we call chole masala or chana masala. as the recipe title suggests, this recipe of bhatura is made with bread slices. apart from bread, whole wheat flour/atta is also added.

i came across this idea while browsing facebook on a blog here. i liked this idea of making bhatura with bread slices, since they were quick to prepare. from the first go, i chose to make my own version as i have enough experience with leavened breads. thereafter i made these bread bhaturas a couple of times. the fact that its a quick one and does not require to leaven the dough for hours, makes me choose this recipe often over the other recipes like easy bhatura or aloo bhatura or this tried and tested bhatura recipe.

this bread bhatura recipe does not require yeast. neither you need any other leavening agents like baking powder or baking soda. the bread slices impart the yeast like flavor and taste, without the addition of any dry or instant yeast. you can easily keep the dough at room temperature for some hours too. the dough does not get over leavened. these bhaturas also remain soft even after they cool down.

INGREDIENTS (measuring cup used, 1 cup = 250 ml)
  • 1.5 cups whole wheat flour/atta
  • 3 regular slices of whole wheat bread/multi grain bread/white bread
  • 1 tbsp fine unroasted sooji/semolina/rava
  • 1 tbsp curd/dahi/yogurt
  • ⅔ cup water or add as required
  • salt as required
  • oil for deep frying
  1. take whole wheat flour/atta, sooji, salt, oil, curd/yogurt and crumbled bread in a bowl. the bread can be crumbled or made into a pulp. you can either crumble the bread slices with your hands or use a mixer. the bread slices have to be crumbled really well, otherwise you will get small bits and pieces of bread in the dough. for making bread pulp, just soak the bread in water. squeeze the water and add the bread pulp to the whole wheat flour. if the edges are dense like in a few days old bread, then you can slice the edges and add.
  2. add water in parts and begin to knead. knead to a smooth dough.
  3. cover and keep the dough at room temperature for 30 minutes. if you have time, you can also keep for 2 to 3 hours at room temperature without any worries :-)
  4. later gently knead the dough again. make small or medium sized balls from the dough.
  5. brush or apply a bit of oil on a dough ball, before you begin to roll the dough.
  6. roll the dough to rounds of 4 to 6 inches diameter. the thickness is slightly more than what we keep for pooris.
  7. heat oil for deep frying bhaturas. in moderately hot oil, slide the bhatura and begin to fry.
  8. with the help of a slotted spoon, nudge gently so that the bhatura gets puffed up.
  9. turn over and fry the other side of bhatura.
  10. remove and drain the bread bhaturas on paper towels to remove excess oil.
  11. serve bread bhatura hot with any indian chickpea curry.

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